COST Unit 5 – Correlation Theory

The Correlation Theory: –  Is the second chapter of Unit 5 COST : We’ve covered  topic Correlation and Regression Linear Correlation Measures of Correlation The Least-Squares Regression Line Standard Error of Estimate Explained and Unexplained Variation Coefficient of Correlation Product-Moment…

COST Unit 4 – The Chi-Square Test

The Chi-Square Test: –  Is the second chapter of Unit 4 COST : We’ve covered  topic Observed and Theoretical Frequencies Definition of chi-square Significance Tests The Chi-Square Test for Goodness of Fit Contingency Tables Yates’ Correction for Continuity Simple Formulas…

COST Unit 4 – Small Sampling Theory

The Small Sampling Theory: –  Is the first chapter of Unit 4 COST : We’ve covered  topic Small Samples Student’s t Distribution Confidence Intervals Tests of Hypotheses and Significance The Chi-Square Distribution Confidence Intervals for Sigma Degrees of Freedom The…

COST Unit 3 – Statistical Decision Theory

The Statistical Decision Theory: –  Is the second chapter of Unit 3 COST : We’ve covered  topic Statistical Decisions Statistical Hypotheses Tests of Hypotheses and Significance Decision Rules Type I and Type II Errors Level of Significance Tests Involving Normal…

COST Unit 3 – Statistical Estimation Theory

The Statistical Estimation Theory: –  Is the first chapter of Unit 3 COST : We’ve covered  topic Estimation of Parameters Point Estimates and Interval Estimates – Their Reliability Confidence-Interval Estimates of Population Parameters Probable Error Along with video lectures, we…

COST Unit 2 – Elementary Sampling Theory

The Elementary Sampling Theory: –  Is the third chapter of Unit 2 COST : We’ve covered  topic Sampling Theory Random Samples and Random Numbers Sampling With and Without Replacement Sampling Distributions Sampling Distribution of Means Sampling Distribution of Proportions Sampling…

COST Unit 2 – Elementary Probability Theory

The Elementary Probability Theory: –  Is the second chapter of Unit 2 COST : We’ve covered  topic Definitions of Probability Conditional Probability Independent and Dependent Events Mutually Exclusive Events Probability Distributions Mathematical Expectation Relation Between Population Sample Mean and Variance…

COST Unit 1 – Measures of Dispersion

The Standard Deviation and Other Measures of Dispersion: –  Is the second chapter of Unit 1 COST : We’ve covered  topic Dispersion and Variation The Range The Mean Deviation The Semi-Interquartile Range The 10–90 Percentile Range The Standard Deviation & Short…